How is Legionella Testing Sample Collection Done?

legionella sampling collectionHow do you test for Legionella?

Before beginning Legionella testing sampling, it is important to remember that Legionella tests for public health investigations must always be performed in conjunction with the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), according to the CDC.

With that in mind, the information below amounts to general guidelines. Health, safety, and liability are at stake, so the actual sample collection is best left to an expert company such as Legionella Control Systems. Having said that, your input is invaluable when it comes to identifying the correct sample locations, so you should aware of the points below.

First, we will perform an environmental assessment to identify areas with increased risk of Legionella growth and spread. We will keep in mind the key factors for Legionella growth such as water temperature, water age, disinfectant residual, and sediment and biofilm when assessing risk.

With that information, our Legionella control professional will create a sampling plan that represents the entire facility water system.

The volume of water being collected by Legionella Control Systems for the Legionella tests may depend on the source type such as potable / non-potable, or condition such detectable disinfectant residual versus visible debris and no disinfectant residual. Larger sample volumes and other sample types, such as swabs or ice, may provide additional information for at-risk facilities.

It is important that before we begin sampling for your Legionella tests, that we collectively consider how the results will be used in the broader context of your water management program. You will be part of that discussion. If you do not currently have a water management program (WMP – also called a defensible water plan), Legionella Control Systems can assist in the development of your WMP.