Copper-Silver Ionization (CSI) for Legionella: Good or Bad?

When it comes to Legionella control, is copper-silver ionization effective or ineffective? The answer is “Yes.”

This ambiguous answer is a reflection of the scientific literature: there have been both successes and failures for copper-silver ionization when it comes to Legionella, the bacteria responsible for Legionnaires’ disease, a severe and deadly form of preventable pneumonia.

Let’s dig deeper to find the full answer.

First of all, what is Copper-silver ionization (CSI)? It is a non-chemical water treatment technology that is used to prevent and/or remediate Legionella and other opportunistic waterborne pathogens. CSI introduces positively charged silver and copper ions. Copper-silver ionization is considered a byproduct-free method to rid the plumbing infrastructure of Legionella and other negatively charged bacteria.

Copper-silver ionization systems are used to protect employees and patients in hotels, large buildings, hospitals, healthcare facilities, nursing homes, and schools.

So, is CSI effective for controlling Legionella? The study entitled, “Examining the efficacy of copper-silver ionization for management of Legionella: Recommendations for optimal use” by LeChevallier found that even the most advanced copper-silver ionization system will fail if not properly operated and maintained. However, the study concluded that the use of CSI to control Legionella and other opportunistic pathogens is highly effective when the units are properly designed, maintained, and operated.

Why is the proper design, maintenance, and operation so important?  CSI systems are affected by many factors, including water consumption, temperature, age, chemistry, pH, hardness, and plumbing design among others.

That’s why the first step when considering copper-silver ionization for Legionella control is an engineering site visit and completion of a CSI datasheet that identifies the specifics of your facility’s water system. The Legionella Control Systems team will use this information to design the specific system components required to meet the water demands of your facility. Contact Legionella Control Systems to learn more about CSI and all the Legionella control options that will keep your facility safe.