Utility Water Purification Systems for ST108 Sterile Processing

While the standards for utility water are not as expansive as critical water, utility water often requires processing to meet the ST108 standard for use. To give you an idea of a common setup for utility water processing, below are some of the main processes that are utilized.


In this step, hardness is removed from the water by a water softener. This consists of removing hardness ions such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, and iron. These hardness ions are replaced with sodium ions which don’t result in scale on tools & equipment.

Carbon Filtering

Carbon filters remove chlorine and organics from the water. They also prepare the water for reverse osmosis as those systems don’t tolerate chlorine.

Reverse Osmosis Purification

Depending on water quality, Reverse Osmosis may be needed to meet the ST108 utility water standard. It removes roughly 95 – 99% of all dissolved solids, conductivity and alkalinity in the water.

After these processes, water is then ready for utility use. The water is then held in storage for later later use or for further purified to meet ST108 critical water requirements. Contact LCS today for your sterile processing needs that meet the ST108 standard.