Why Water Softeners Are So Critical to Legionella Control

Why are Water Softeners Critical to Legionella Control?

Legionella growth and Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks happen more often in facilities that do not have a water softener.

What does a water softener do to help prevent Legionella?

Properly softened water keeps new and existing piping smooth, thus preventing
hardness such as calcium and magnesium adhering to the pipe walls, also known as scaling.

Why is scale prevention so critical for Legionella prevention?

Scaling helps creates a rich environment that fosters biofilm, which is the foundation for Legionella bacteria growth and it multiplies quickly.At least 90% of pathogen growth occurs in biofilm, but biofilm has a very hard time existing in smooth pipes.

Legionella Control Systems has developed a next-gen solution for water softening systems. As truly independent Legionella and waterborne pathogen experts, we can help you develop a cost-effective plan that reduces the risk to both people while minimizing your liability. Contact us today.